Recently, we have introduced an uncertainty representation generalising imprecise cumulative distributions to any (pre-)ordered space as well as possibility distributions: generalised p-boxes. This representation has many attractive features, as it remains quite simple while having an interesting interpretation in terms of lower and upper confidence bounds over nested sets. However, the merits this representation in various uncertainty treatments still has to be evaluated. This is the topic of this paper, in which the handling of information modelled by generalised p-boxes is studied, from the point of view of elicitation, propagation, conditioning and fusion.
Keywords. Generalized p-boxes, comonotonic clouds, fusion, conditioning, propagation.
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Authors addresses:
Sebastien Destercke
UMR IATE, Campus INRA / Montpellier SupAgro 2, place Pierre Viala 34060 Montpellier Cedex 2
Didier Dubois
Porte 308
IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier,
118 route de Narbonne,
31062, Toulouse, cedex 4, FRANCE.
E-mail addresses:
Sebastien Destercke | |
Didier Dubois | |