How to prepare your presentation

Every paper will be presented first in a plenary session and later on the same day in a poster session. If you wish to make your slides and/or poster electronically available to all participants, please send a pdf of your slides/poster to by July 1st (you do need to print your poster yourself and bring it to the conference).

Plenary presentations

For the plenary presentation of your paper, you have 15 minutes, including 5 minutes for questions. So you should prepare a 10 minute presentation. The main purpose of this plenary talk is:

You can use viewgraphs or an electronic system such as Powerpoint or Acrobat Reader. Appropriate equipment will be at the meeting, as well as a small paper board (no blackboard).

Poster sessions

The poster session will allow you to give a more detailed description of your contribution, with technical results, and are meant for discussion in smaller groups. Each plenary session (typically 4 talks) will be followed by a poster session of 45 minutes (longer for poster-only contributions). Posters will be on display all day — so if you are speaking on a particular day, please bring your poster along in the morning, say 20 minutes before the start of the first plenary session.

Maximum poster size is A0 (841 × 1189 mm) in portrait orientation.